Why You Always Lying Part II: Tithing Questions, Objections and Comments
Why You Always Lying Part II: Tithing Questions, Objections…
In this broadcast we will continue the discussion on tithing where will will address specific questions, comments and objections from my pr…
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July 18, 2022

Why You Always Lying Part II: Tithing Questions, Objections and Comments

In this broadcast we will continue the discussion on tithing where will will address specific questions, comments and objections from my previous video. I will be joined by brother Joseph Bachota of Walking Through the Scriptures With Joseph Bachota. This is a follow up video to part I where we addressed the damage control that many pastors are attempting to do now that Creflo Dollar claimed to back track his previous false teaching on tithing. After further examination we see that he is still teaching falsely and in fact simply repackaged his false prosperity gospel and in fact DID NOT repent.

Link to Brother Joseph's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/BIGCOUNT...

Link to Part I: https://youtu.be/9h7a0jTztSw

In this broadcast we will continue the discussion on tithing where will will address specific questions, comments and objections from my previous video. I will be joined by brother Joseph Bachota of Walking Through the Scriptures With Joseph Bachota. This is a follow up video to part I where we addressed the damage control that many pastors are attempting to do now that Creflo Dollar claimed to back track his previous false teaching on tithing. After further examination we see that he is still teaching falsely and in fact simply repackaged his false prosperity gospel and in fact DID NOT repent. Link to Brother Joseph's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/BIGCOUNT... 

Joseph Bachota Profile Photo

Joseph Bachota

Mr. Author/Elder/Husband/Father/Friend/Preacher/forever student of Gods Word

I’m Joseph Bachota and I’ve been a Christian for 25 years now. I’ve served in the army for 20 years with four combat tours (3 Iraq and 1 Afghanistan). While serving in Iraq, the Lord allowed me to pastor the Gospel service and I have co-pastored many other services while deployed. I have served in many churches all over the world, Iraq, Afghanistan, Hawaii, Alaska, Washington State, Virginia just to name a few. The Lord has allowed me to serve all over the world and I look forward to continuing to serve anywhere, and everywhere, and any how God would have me to serve. I’m married to a beautiful black woman and have two beautiful black children. My wife (Teri) and I moved to Wake Forest, North Carolina around six years ago from the Seattle, Washington area. We have two children Alec, our son whose 28, and Nia our daughter, whose 18 and we now had 2 foster children, whom we are also looking to adopt, hopefully near April 2022. Jeremy who is 5 and Kaylee who is 4, a sibling group. We also have a little beagle dog named Kirby. Well that completes our family, blessings, Joe