Stacy Abrams is 1 MILLION in the hole & screwed over her staff before the holidays
Stacy Abrams is 1 MILLION in the hole & screwed over her st…
Where the Bible is the main event
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Jan. 6, 2023

Stacy Abrams is 1 MILLION in the hole & screwed over her staff before the holidays

Stacy Abrams is 1 MILLION in the hole & screwed over her staff before the holidays

Where the Bible is the main event

In this broadcast I discuss a recent article that has come out regarding the Stacy Abrams campaign. After having raised over 100 million dollars in her race for the Georgia governors seat, the campaign is now 1 million in the hole and unable to pay staffers and vendors. Raising 100 million dollars rivals that of some presidential campaigns and yet, the campaign did not have enough money to tie up it's loose ends after loosing the race. THIS is your candidate DNC. This is the candidate that was pushed on the state of Georgia not once, but twice. She has demonstrated an inability to manage a budget well but this is who you wanted to lead. Georgia dodged a bullet indeed. What say you? Should we ignore observable reality and just "hope" that the same thing would not have been done with Georgia tax payer money? Or do you believe that the residents of Georgia did the right thing by sending Ms. Abrams home in defeat. Leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts. #politics #stacyabrams #democrats #democraticnews