The Standard of Truth Podcast

So You're Looking For A Biblically Sound Church?

Finding a biblically sound church can be very difficult. To make it a little easier, I've compiled a few church directories to help make your search less stressful. 

Please note that there is no perfect church, however we have compiled a short list of trusted church directories to help you find a bible believing church. You will need to personally vet each church for yourself using the criteria outlined below. 

Biblically Sound Church Directories

The Master's Seminary Church Directory

G3 Church Network

Founders Ministries Church Network

Tips For Finding and Vetting a Biblically Sound Church

Look for sound, biblical teaching

So, let's talk about the Bible's role in church life. It's kind of a big deal because it's what we turn to for guidance on matters of faith and practice. The scriptures are go-to authority (check out Psalm 1:2; Acts 2:42; 2 Peter 1:3).

A solid church is all about teaching, living by, and applying what the scriptures teach. (2 Timothy 3:15–17; James 1:22). The Gospel is also a matter of first importance. That's the heart of it all! The Bible's influence isn't just limited to the pulpit; it's in Sunday school, home Bible studies, and weekly fellowship with church members (Romans 15:14; Ephesians 4:15).

You also want to find a church where the Bible is the main event, not an after-thought. (2 Timothy 4:2). Through preaching and teaching, we aim to really understand the Bible, which helps us grow in our faith and see the world through a biblical lens. If you're checking out a church, give their sermons a listen – you can find them online or ask for audio recordings. That'll give you a good sense of where they stand on the authority of the scriptures. 

Questions to Consider

  • Do they clearly present the gospel? What do they teach is necessary for a person to be saved?
  • Does the church teach that the Bible is the Word of God, without error in its original manuscripts?
  • Does the church teach that the Bible is the final authority in our lives and is wholly adequate to speak to the matters of our faith and practice?
  • What place does the reading of Scripture have in the church meeting (1 Timothy 4:13)?
  • Does the church’s music communicate sound doctrine?
  • Does the church present a consistent view of the Bible’s history, including the creation account in Genesis?
  • What curricula are used in the Sunday school classes and home Bible studies? What is their approach in teaching the Bible?
  • Are parents encouraged and equipped to teach the Bible in their own homes?

 High View of God

The gatherings of the church should show reverence for God and should include the whole church in songs of praise and adoration (Colossians 3:17). Scripture teaches us that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Proverbs 9:10), so we fear, love, and cling to God for our very life (Psalm 36:5–9Matthew 22:37–38).

The church should have a high view of his perfect attributes, including his sovereignty, holiness, goodness, and love. God is both over all (Psalm 47:283:18) and separate from his creation (Genesis 1:11 Kings 8:27), yet he is a personal God who draws close to his creation (Psalm 57:1100:3Revelation 21:3–4).

Christians should practice a prayerful dependence upon God, bringing requests and thanksgivings for their own sake and for the sake of others (Acts 2:42Philippians 4:4–7). Christians want to please the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:91 Thessalonians 4:1) and bring him glory in all of life (Psalm 86:121 Corinthians 6:2010:31).

Questions to Consider

  • How is love for Jesus Christ evident in the congregation (Ephesians 6:24Revelation 2:4)?
  • How do the public prayers in the church meeting reflect God’s passion for his glory?
  • How does the church trust and glorify God through trials (Romans 5:1–512:12James 1:2–4)?
  • How does the church carry out the Lord’s commands to baptize (Matthew 28:19) and to share the Lord’s Table (1 Corinthians 11:23–34)?
  • How does the music leadership encourage the congregation to participate in worship?

Love for One Another

The local church grows and matures as its members actively serve one another (Ephesians 4:11–161 Peter 4:10–11). It constitutes a prime venue for Christians to show love to one another, as Jesus said to his disciples, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34–35; cf. Matthew 22:39Acts 2:4246).

This love is neither merely abstract nor purely emotional, but proves itself in that we each think and act to advance the best interests of others (Philippians 2:3–4). This love proves itself in such things as humility, peace, affection, graciousness, self-sacrifice, patience, forbearance, devotion, encouragement, admonition, discipline, and comfort.

Questions to Consider

  • How were you greeted and regarded on your first visit with this church?
  • How does the congregation show love for one another?
  • Do you see a unity based in humility, self-denial, and self-sacrifice, and not selfishness or factiousness (Philippians 2:1–4)?
  • What do the people talk about outside of the formal meeting of the church? What meaningful, heart-level relationships are being developed within the congregation?
  • What place do children have in the meeting of the church?
  • How might you contribute yourself and your resources to this church?
  • How does someone become a member of this church? What must you agree to believe and do?

Godly, Caring Leadership

Jesus Christ is the head of his church (Ephesians 4:155:231 Peter 5:4), and he has delegated authority to qualified men to feed and lead his local congregations (Philippians 1:11 Timothy 3:1–135:17–20Titus 1:5–9Hebrews 13:717).

The Bible teaches that each church should be led by men of integrity who teach and model spiritual maturity (2 Timothy 3:10–17). These godly leaders must love the church and be committed to the sanctification of the people (Acts 20:28Galatians 4:19), including the practice of confronting sin in the church (Matthew 18:15–20). They provide clear teaching of sound doctrine and come alongside those in the church in difficult situations or doctrinal error (Titus 1:9). These shepherds seek out the lost and straying sheep (Matthew 18:11–14; cf. Ezekiel 34), especially those in the congregation who are discouraged and seem to have lost hope. They are to serve humbly and gently yet boldly as under-shepherds of Christ.

Questions to Consider

  • Who are the leaders of this church? How does one become a leader? What qualifications must the leaders meet?
  • How long have the current leaders been with this congregation?
  • How does the church leadership provide pastoral care for the congregation?
  • Would you feel comfortable submitting to the spiritual nurture of these men (1 Timothy 3:5Hebrews 13:17)?
  • What is the role of the congregation in decision-making?
  • How does the church show a high regard for its leadership (1 Thessalonians 5:131 Timothy 5:17–18Hebrews 13:717)?

Gospel Ministry

Our Savior has entrusted to the church the message of salvation (Romans 1:16) and given us the task of making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18–20Luke 24:47). The church must proclaim the gospel of grace that all people should turn from their sins and recognize that Jesus is Savior and Lord.

Local churches can support local and foreign missionaries and missions projects, perhaps also participating in short-term mission trips to encourage church members to serve the Lord in these ways. Church members can also meet practical needs of our neighbors, being channels of God’s abundant mercy to human need and suffering, always serving with a view toward communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The church should pursue a desperate and dependent holiness, not so we can think of ourselves as better than others, but so that we freely confirm God’s saving and transforming work in our lives.

Questions to Consider

  • What strategy does the church follow in sharing the gospel outside the church building?
  • How does the church pray for unbelievers?
  • How does the church pray for missionaries and mission agencies?
  • What evangelistic activities does the church encourage and perform?
  • What missionaries and Christian agencies does the church support? What gospel work do these people do?

Final Thoughts

Remember that no church is perfect, but you should be able to find a good church that you can joyfully be a part of. Take time to be thorough, but also avoid a continuous situation of being separate from a specific community of faith. Once you find a good church, be involved and build relationships with others in the congregation. Love, serve, and meet needs as you’re able. Be present. Seek to know and be known by the church leaders. Pray for yourself and the whole church to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity” (2 Peter 3:18).

Adapted from Answers in Genesis