Local Pastor Spotlight: Pastor Roger Skepple Sr.
Local Pastor Spotlight: Pastor Roger Skepple Sr.
On this broadcast I sit down with my friend and brother in the Lord, Pastor Roger Skepple Sr. Pastor Skepple is the faithful shepherd of Be…
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Feb. 17, 2022

Local Pastor Spotlight: Pastor Roger Skepple Sr.

On this broadcast I sit down with my friend and brother in the Lord, Pastor Roger Skepple Sr. Pastor Skepple is the faithful shepherd of Berean Bible Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. When it comes to doctrinal integrity and hermeneutical consistency, Pastor Skepple is the perfect hybrid of expository faithfulness and spirit filled homiletics. As I always say, he is one of the most THOROUGH expositors of modern day history this side of the Mississippi. You don't want to miss this show!!! Pastor Skepple has also authored several books: Glory Road: The Journeys of 10 African-Americans into Reformed Christianity and authored The Doctrines of Grace: A Biblical Introduction and Life in the Vine: The Biblical Mandate of Spiritual Fruitfulness.

On this broadcast I sit down with my friend and brother in the Lord, Pastor Roger Skepple Sr. Pastor Skepple is the faithful shepherd of Berean Bible Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. When it comes to doctrinal integrity and hermeneutical consistency, Pastor Skepple is the perfect hybrid of expository faithfulness and spirit filled homiletics. As I always say, he is one of the most THOROUGH expositors of modern day history this side of the Mississippi. You don't want to miss this show!!! Pastor Skepple has also authored several books: Glory Road: The Journeys of 10 African-Americans into Reformed Christianity and authored The Doctrines of Grace: A Biblical Introduction and Life in the Vine: The Biblical Mandate of Spiritual Fruitfulness.

Pastor Roger Skepple Profile Photo

Pastor Roger Skepple

Pastor | Author | Conference Speaker

Roger was born on the small West Indian island of Antigua. His parents, the late Adolphus Daniel Skepple and his widow Ineta Skepple, moved the family to Kingston Ontario Canada when he was only two and half years old. There he grew up and went to school. Upon graduating from high school having majored in science and mathematics Roger decided to go to Word of Life Bible Institute in Schroon Lake, New York, a one year program, before he would begin a degree in Electrical Engineering. While there he was called to the ministry and decided to attend Liberty University to train for the ministry.

Roger graduated from Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Religion with a major in Pastoral Ministry and a minor in Biblical Studies. After which he attended his Masters Degree in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1991, double majoring in New Testament Literature and Exegesis and Systematic Theology Studies. He began post-graduate work in the Doctor of Philosophy program at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1994 and continued in that program until he and his family, Teresa and their four children, relocated to Atlanta Georgia.

Before becoming the Senior Pastor of Berean Bible Baptist Church in May of 1998, Roger was active in ministry at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, where Roger was ordained for the ministry in 1991. Roger has experience in serving as an interim pastor and conference speaker, has served on several different levels of the ministry at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship throughout his eight years there, including respons… Read More