Richard Henry Profile Photo

Pastor | Podcaster

Richard was born in Glendale, California and lived there until he was 6, when he moved with his family to Northern California. At age 19 he moved back to to that area to pursue filmmaking and to attend college. While going to the church he had attended as a child he met his soon to be bride, Jenny. Shortly after this, Jenny and Richard moved to another church. At this new church the gospel was faithfully preached and proclaimed and after a year or more of hearing faithful preaching both Richard and Jenny understood truly for the first time that they were sinners in need of God's grace in Jesus Christ. Having grown up in church Richard had always felt he was a Christian, but truly was not, but more of a "good person American Christian". Jenny's testimony is similar.

A few years later, in 2012 he felt a call to ministry and left the film and media industry. He visited Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky in 2013. He felt the Lord’s direction calling the Henry family to move eastward. Richard worked through seminary along with a full-time job; first working at a grocery store then later in sales. He also plowed the seed of the gospel with off and on pulpit supply that began in 2015. He graduated in 2019 with a Master of Arts in Church Ministries and began seeking a place to serve.

He first came to his current church when he answered a call to fill the pulpit in March 2020. Richard was called to be the full-time pastor in December of that year.
He and Jenny have been married since 2007 and they have four children that they homeschool; three girls and a boy, the oldest being born in 2010 and youngest is 2018.

Richard’s favorite book of the bible is a sometimes a question, but when push comes to shove, it would be Hebrews or First John. Related to this; his favorite bible character (besides Jesus) is Peter. Richard says, "I resonate with his struggles and extremes. Of the lesser known, I’d also say someone like Luke. He was Intelligent, supportive, and a historian! He was a solid encouragement of Paul and seemed to never waiver or seek his own fame or power."

Favorite book not from the bible would be something from Francis Schaeffer. "He Is There and He Is Not Silent" or "Escape from Reason", Richard states, “Schaeffer had such a heart for the Lord and His church and the truth of the gospel. He wanted to challenge people in what they believed and why. Schaeffer lived it out in so many ways. He was 'prophetic' in writings and saw the times with discretion.

One of Richard's favorite things to do in Grayson County is enjoying a picnic lunch with his family in the hidden town of Pine Knob. A favorite local place to go is The Storehouse in Leitchfield; good coffee and a great atmosphere. He’s always had a soft spot for burgers, and found the BBQ pork burger at Bluegrass BBQ has an amazing one!

If Richard was given a free day to do anything, he says he would "start with a full breakfast with family, go on a long drive to visit a place we’ve never been to, come back for a slow afternoon reading a good book and taking a nap, and the evening we would all just hang out watching a movie and having popcorn with Jenny and the children.

March 20, 2022

Why Racial Reconciliation? Part 2

Where the Bible is the main event