Myles Christian Profile Photo

Servant of Christ

Started by a third-generation, former Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA), Answering Adventism is a gospel-centered educational resource for Christians that deals with the SDA Church. Our videos compare the Church's doctrines, history, leaders, and statements with historic, biblical Christianity.

We seek to proclaim and exalt the once-for-all Gospel of the Triune God's sovereign grace and freedom to save for His own eternal glory. Soli Deo Gloria!

Jan. 6, 2023

Answering Adventism: A 3rd Gen Former 7th Day Adventist Speaks

Mmy guest Myles Christian from Answering Adventism sits down to discuss his journey from 7th Day Adventism to Christianity. What was it about the 7th Day Adventist religion that that caused Myles to question its validity? What happened to him? How did he come to reject the doctrines of 7th Day Adve…