Lisa Babbage Profile Photo


What differentiates me from other candidates is that I am a product of both the Grady Homes housing project when I spent my early childhood in Georgia, but also a product of extreme engenuity. My great-great-grandfather, Charles Babbage invented the first computer. My grandfather, the Reverend Dr. Stuart Babbage, immigrated to this country just to march with Dr. King and other Republicans as they integrated colleges, public parks, and churches. My parents both bare scars on their forehead given by Democratic leadership in Georgia that “abhorred race mixing.” Furthermore, after a bout with cancer more than fifteen years ago, and a brain tumor diagnosis, I am proud to stand up for this nation and the opportunity it provides. I co-founded with my family to show others what it means to be a patriot.

My commitment to Georgia and to this country is deeply rooted in the fact that I had to overcome overwhelming odds of learning how to read later in life, facing racism, and having to overcome the trauma of sexual abuse just to be faced by my own divorce years later. Yet despite these blows, America gave me an opportunity to still seek freedom, economically and socially. From a personal perspective, I understand why our Constitution must be defended, in its entirety. Yet, I am compassionate enough to also understand what it takes to make it work for all of America’s citizens: black, white, asian, and hispanic; wealthy or poor, religious or non-religious, gay or straight.