I'm Celeste Duffie, author of Assbackwards Way to Move Forward, A Tongue in Cheek Guide to Poverty and Misery. I would love the opportunity to chat with you about my first-ever book, as I believe its unique topics and 10 pillars may be of interest to you and your audience. Would you be willing to consider me for an interview on your podcast?
I'd be happy to send you a copy of my book - please just provide me with your mailing address and I'll take care of the rest. I would love the chance to discuss my book with you further!
In addition to being a published author, I am also a contributor to ScoonTV. Here are the titles of the three articles I've written for them thus far:
What Does it Mean to be a Man?
Nick Cannon is a Bad Dad
Abortion is Stifling The Black Community
The article I wrote for ScoonTV on abortion was also reprinted by Here is the title for that as well:
You Can’t Say “Black Lives Matter” if Black Unborn Babies Don’t Matter
Thank you so much for your time and I hope you have a blessed day.