June 22, 2024

Why Hasn't Jamal Bryant Been Publicly Restored?

In this episode, we dive deep into the claim that Atlanta Pastor Jamal Bryant believes he is called by God despite never being publicly restored to ministry. This revelation has sparked a heated debate about the favor of God and scriptural truth. Join me as we dissect Bryant's statements and examin…
June 17, 2024

The Disturbing Trend in Black Pulpits Today

In this powerful and thought-provoking conversation, I sit down with Dr. Christopher Gordon to tackle the question: "Has the Black Pulpit Been Hijacked?" Dr. Gordon doesn't hold back as he shares his insights on the current state of the ethnic expression of the Black Church. We dive deep into the c…
June 6, 2024

Exposing the Ritual: Delta Sigma Theta's Initiation Ritual Review

Join me as we dive deep into the initiation ritual of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and uncover the spiritual implications of their initiation ritual.
Jan. 6, 2023

Answering Adventism: A 3rd Gen Former 7th Day Adventist Speaks

Mmy guest Myles Christian from Answering Adventism sits down to discuss his journey from 7th Day Adventism to Christianity. What was it about the 7th Day Adventist religion that that caused Myles to question its validity? What happened to him? How did he come to reject the doctrines of 7th Day Adve…
July 31, 2022

Street Level Apologetics w/Vocab Malone #blackhebrewisrealites #cults

In this broadcast, I'll be sitting down with one of America's leading urban apologists, Vocab Malone.
Guest: Vocab Malone
July 18, 2022

Why You Always Lying Part II: Tithing Questions, Objections and Comments

In this broadcast we will continue the discussion on tithing where will will address specific questions, comments and objections from my previous video. I will be joined by brother Joseph Bachota of Walking Through the Scriptures With Joseph Bachota. This is a follow up video to part I where we add…