June 14, 2024

Why Christian Union with Greek Letter Organizations is Incompatible with Scripture

Why Christian Union with Greek Letter Organizations is Incompatible with Scripture


In today's society, it is becoming increasingly common for Christians to join Greek letter organizations (GLOs). However, as Christians, we must carefully consider whether or not this is compatible with our faith. In this blog post, we will examine the biblical arguments against Christian involvement in BGLOs, exploring the nature of idolatry and how pledging allegiance to any other entity besides God conflicts with our Christian identity.

Defining Idolatry

Idolatry is the worship of anything created instead of the Creator. It is a sin that goes against the first commandment, which states, "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3). When we worship anything other than God, we are putting something else in His place. This can take many forms, including the worship of physical objects, celebrities, or even ourselves.

Christian Identity and Exclusive Loyalty to God

As Christians, we are called to have an exclusive loyalty to God. We are His children, and He is our Father. We owe Him our complete devotion and obedience. When we join a BGLO, we are pledging our allegiance to an organization that is not God. This can create a conflict between our Christian identity and our membership in a BGLO.

Examining the Compatibility of Greek Letter Organizations with the Christian Faith

Some people argue that BGLOs can be compatible with the Christian faith. They point out that many BGLOs have philanthropic and service-oriented missions. However, even if a BGLO's mission is good, it does not make it compatible with the Christian faith. The issue is not what a BGLO does, but who or what it represents.

BGLOs are ultimately based on the worship of their own traditions and rituals. They have their own gods, goddesses, and symbols. This is incompatible with the Christian faith, which teaches that there is only one God and that He alone is worthy of our worship.

Pledging Allegiance and Conflicts with Christian Identity

When we join a BGLO, we are pledging our allegiance to that organization. This can create a conflict with our Christian identity because we are already pledged to God. In fact, we are his slaves. We cannot serve two masters and be a slave of Christ and a slave to something that is riddled in unrighteousness. (Matthew 6:24).

If we are true Christians, we will put God first in our lives. We will not allow anything to come between us and Him. This means that we cannot join a BGLO that requires us to put its interests above God's.

Biblical Exegesis and the Incompatibility of Greek Letter Membership with the Christian Faith

There are many biblical passages that teach us about the incompatibility of Christian union with Greek letter organizations. Here are a few examples:

  • "Little children, keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21).
  • "You cannot serve God and mammon" (Matthew 6:24).
  • "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2).

These passages teach us that we must not worship idols or even be associated with them. , We cannot serve two masters, and that we must not conform to the world. Greek letter organizations are based on idolatry, they require us to put their interests above God's, and they conform to the world. Therefore, they are incompatible with the Christian faith.


In this blog post, we have examined the biblical arguments against Christian involvement in Greek letter organizations. We have seen that BGLOs are based on idolatry, that they require us to put their interests above God's, and that they conform to the world. Therefore, we conclude that Christian union with Greek letter organizations is incompatible with Scripture.

I encourage you to listen to my podcast episode on this topic for a more in-depth discussion. In the episode, I analyze a podcast featuring Pastor Joseph Walker III and his wife, discussing their take on this issue. I challenge some of their perspectives and explore what the Bible says about idolatry and exclusive loyalty to God. I argue that being a member of any divine nine organizations is incompatible with the Christian faith, and I’m prepared to defend this stance not with personal opinions, but with solid biblical exegesis: https://www.thestandardoftruthpodcast.com/can-christians-have-union-with-christ-and-greek-letter-organizations/

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