Jan. 30, 2024

Join me for a Ladies Only Book Study: 1 Peter

Join me for a Ladies Only Book Study: 1 Peter
Living as a Christian in this dark and evil world can sometimes be overwhelming. But do you know that our Lord has provided us a measure of grace to help us navigate through in spite of?

Gospel hope. That is what the book of 1 Peter is all about. We will dive into this little epistle, written by one of my favorite Apostles, Simon Peter.

Peter was "that dude." He was the dude that you would want on your squad IF and WHEN things "popped off." Peter was a hot head, but Peter was also a man of cowardice at one point. So much so, that he denied the Lord Jesus three times, demonstrating that even on our best day, we will still fail and fall short.

By the time Peter pens his first epistle, his passion for following Christ had been tested and he managed under the direction of the Holy Spirit to write us, the church, words of comfort, encouragement and practical advice.

Join me on Saturday, February 10th at 11:00 am as we'll begin our study through the book of 1st Peter. We will be using the following resource, Grace in the Wilderness to guide our study.

Grab your copy of the study no later than Saturday, February 3rd to be sure your copy will arrive on time. Register here: https://zurl.co/3sSk