March 12, 2024

Is Your Family Life Good Soil For the Word of God?

Is Your Family Life Good Soil For the Word of God?

In Mark 4, Jesus explains that the Word is sown into soil to bear fruit, with a few different outcomes: The enemy could steal it, tribulation could wilt it, or worldly desires could choke it.

Or good soil could serve to multiply the fruit: “thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundred-fold.”

If you’re like me, you long for your life and your family’s to cultivate this culture of good soil, a place where the Word is sown into our children’s hearts and lives — NOT to be stolen, wilted, or choked — but to bear exponential fruit for the kingdom of God.

So how can we cultivate this good soil, where we both hear and obey the Word, integrating it into all the dimensions of our life?

We believe Jesus came to model this way of life for us — so we couldn’t miss it.

And that’s what the groundbreaking (no pun intended)  Relational Lifestyle Summit is all about: It’s a week-long event coming April 8-12, 2024, where we’ll explore together how to cultivate good soil in our families, homeschools, churches, and communities for a way of life that’s gospel-infused and joy-filled.

We’ll join hosts, homeschool parents Daniel & Megan, Brandee, and Sam & Bekah, as they personally interview a world-class — and better yet, biblically literate! — lineup of parents, authors, and speakers ... featuring a variety of perspectives, unique stories, and creative approaches to applying biblical truths in your family.

Together, we’ll focus on five aspects and applications of this way of life:

  1. Day 1, The Relational Lifestyle: Do Life Together
  2. Day 2, Relational Family & Church: Enjoy & Worship God Together
  3. Day 3, Relational Learning & Teaching: Explore God’s World Together
  4. Day 4, Relational Work & Ministry: Steward & Disciple God’s World Together

The entire event is FREE if you sign up by April 8th, and on top of the video sessions, you’ll get access to an online exhibit hall (shop some great discounts!) and the opportunity to connect with other attendees around the world — and perhaps right in your hometown — through our private, 20,000+ member Homeschool Summits Facebook group.

Come catch a vision at the Relational Lifestyle Summit that will explode the walls of your homeschool into a good-soil way of life that will impact the nations and generations for the glory of God!

What are you waiting for? Learn more and register for free (for a limited time only!) at