July 27, 2024

I'm in You Tube Jail!

I'm in You Tube Jail!

Yesterday at 11:00 pm, You Tube informed me that I had posted a video that violated their community guidelines. In case you missed it, I have been actively promoting the Atlanta private screening of Vince Everette Ellison's documentary, Will You Go To Hell For Me.

I posted the trailer a few days ago, but You Tube informed me that there were scenes in that video that violated their community guidelines. They provided me with the specific time stamp that posed a problem, so I edited the trailer,  removing the "offensive" material, reposted it and all was right with the world. 

The next day, I decided to repurpose the exact same EDITED trailer,by using it to create a video ad for the Atlanta private screening. Well, You Tube then decides that THE SAME video, even after editing still violates their guidelines, even though the upload from the day before was uploaded, posted and was allowed to remain on the platform without incident. 

It is clear that Big Tech does NOT want people to know about this film. Attempting to suppress the truth about the Democrat party is alive and well. Since I cannot post, upload or livestream to You Tube for the next week, please consider following me on Rumble, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 
I am also working to see if I can embed my livestream that I had planned for today directly into my website. Provided all of the technical components of this go as planned, I will be livestreaming tonight at 8:30 PM EST. 
Since we know that censorship is real, connect with me OFF of You Tube by subscribing to my newsletter. I don't email often, but when I do, it's because it is super important. Join my list here
I will do my best to continue to create God-honoring content that speaks the truth without fear. In the meantime, I covet your prayers, but most of all, your support. Consider donating to the work I am doing here so that I can keep speaking, keep sharing, and keep fighting. 
I love you guys! By the grace of God and your unwavering support, I will keep pressing on. 
Grace and Peace,