June 26, 2024

Do Black Lives Really Matter? Part 1

Do Black Lives Really Matter? Part 1

On Friday June 24 , 2022, the Supreme Court made the greatest decision ever. Roe v Wade was overturned after 49 years. Roe v Wade legalized abortion on demand in every state. Since that decision was made over 60 million babies have been killed (63,459,781) according to National Right to Life (NRLC).   That is 1,295,097 per year. 107,924 per month. 26,981 per week.  3,854.42 per day. 160.60 per hour and 2.67 per minute since 1973. An estimated one third of those have been black children – around 20 million. The largest abortion provider in the US is Planned Parenthood started by Margaret Sanger in 1942. Margaret was an atheist, racist and eugenicist who was never interested in the health of Black women. She described the black race as “human weeds.” You can read about the Margaret’s life and mission in a book entitled “The Negro Project.” [2] Margaret’s plan and others who joined her cabal were only interested in exterminating black people. The Planned Parenthood name is a deceptive euphemism to lure young girls and women to have an abortion in the name of women’s health.

Why is there such outrage over the overturning of Roe v Wade?

Women and Men view the right to an abortion as a woman’s right to choose reproductive freedom and women’s empowerment. Many are ready to riot and revolt against the Supreme Court. Pro Life Centers are being bombed. Why? Because killing a baby is convenient and profitable for those that perform abortions. All Roe v Wade did is put the abortion matter back in the hands of the states to determine. It did not ban abortion in the US. There is nowhere in the Constitution that permits abortion, so it was only right that it was overturned in that sense. Pro-abortionists are saying reversing the decision prohibits women from having control over their own bodies. But here is my argument, the baby growing in the mother’s womb is not their body, it is a separate life that has as much right to life as anyone else. So, when a woman says, “It’s my body my choice” that is not true. If the baby was actually part of your body, would you kill him or her? No! Doing so would be suicide, wouldn’t it? So, when a woman exercises her “right to choose,” she is doing two things simultaneously, she is taking her unborn child’s choice away to live and killing her prenatal baby. That is what a woman’s right to choose really means whether they know it or not. Now to be fair, I know that every girl and/or woman that has either one or multiple abortions, were told this is the best decision for them, for a baby would ruin their lives. Their mothers and other influential family members and friends swayed their decision in choosing to terminate their pregnancy. Many would be dads are in support of abortion because it gets them off the hook for child support and paternal responsibility.

Is Abortion Murder?

If one believes life begins at conception, then yes abortion is murder. If one does not believe life begins at conception then guess what, abortion is still murder. Just because something is legal does not mean it is right. Can any civil minded person honestly say that suctioning a baby through a tube, or dismembering the child in the womb is not the cruelest type of barbaric sadistic murder? No innocent human being deserves that. The worst type of criminals are not subjected to that type of torture! A baby is not cancer. They are a gift from God – no matter how they arrived here.

In Psalm 139:13b-16 the writer says this regarding God creating us: "For you formed my innermost parts. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being formed in secret, and intricately and skillfully formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes have seen my unformed substance, and in your book were all written the days there were appointed for me, when as yet there was not one of them.”

Exodus 20:13 says we are not to commit murder.

Jeremiah 1:5 the Lord says to the prophet, “Before I (emphasis added) formed you in the womb I knew you. And before you were born, I consecrated you. I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

These three references of Holy Scripture clearly tell us God is the author of all life. We are not to kill it. The 63 million babies that have been mercilessly killed dreams and accomplishments will never be realized. Those that have committed these atrocities will answer to God if they do not genuinely repent of this sin.

When a society does not fear God like the U.S. then they do what is right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25). Mothers kill their babies, and they call it “healthcare.”

What about those who are victims of rape and or incest and become pregnant? Why should they have to keep their baby?

Women and girls who are victims to sexual predators is tragic. The men should be locked up for life for violating a woman’s body. Where the woman makes the terrible mistake is killing the child because of the sin of the father. Two wrongs do not make a right. Terminating the pregnancy does not erase the rape or incest. The father created a great sin. The mother aborting the child creates a worse sin. The trauma of the violation makes the woman want to rid herself of any reminder of the tragedy but killing the child is never the answer. The mother can get help after a tragedy such as rape and incest.

The website  liveaction.org is an educational resource that helps women, girls, and men get the help they need. They provide counseling for women that have had abortions who have regretted the decision they made. They also counsel men who encouraged or were complicit in the termination of a pregnancy. I’m relatively new to the site and its resources but will educate myself as well. The founder of Live Action is Lila Rose . She began Live Action and has been a prolife advocate since she was 15 years old. www.liveaction.org [3]

Another pro-life advocate is Danielle D’Souza Gill. She authored a book entitled “The Choice”, The Abortion Divide in America. In it she argues why abortion is wrong and murder of the most vulnerable and innocent among us. It’s available at Amazon.

Dolores Grier who was a Black Catholic pro-life advocate has this to say at a pro-life conference in 1989. Please view this you tube clip: [5] https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=78A6Iyhjh6s 

So, back to my original question, do black lives really matter? From the horrific statistics of at least one third of black babies being aborted since 1973 I would say no! As much as I hate to admit it, Black people have played the hypocrite. We are not preserving our people, rather we are exterminating it through abortion clinics, with our own tax dollars! Margaret Sanger and her disciples must be laughing from their graves right now. The Negro Project that she began in 1939 morphed into Planned Parenthood. Once again, her purpose was to control and eventually destroy the black population through sterilization first and then abortion. Black people have fallen right into her trap!

To understand where we are now, we must start at the beginning. Tomorrow, in part 2 of this blog series, we will talk about Margaret Sanger And Planned Parenthood.